Sunday, October 2, 2022

What You Must Do Knowing What You Carry


You are the showcase of your content, your content can not come to the seen, unless you roll it into play. By Rev. Michael

Lesson: 2Kings 2:12-18

Text: 2Kings 2:12


Intro: To know what you carry, you must know yourself, know who you are, and should be able to give proper definition of yourself, else, others will try to define in their own way, and for u to define yourself properly, must look beyond the container (the flesh) and look into the content (the you in you that makes you the you are ) your IQ, intellectualism, attitude, and endowment,  let's say you 've looked at yourself and 've known what your worth is, for you to go far this is what you must do.

(1) Perceive, see, visualize the far, the place, or the hight you what reach in life, where we took our text the bible said and Elisha saw, he perceived, he looked strictly on the mantle, he kept his eyes on it till it reaches his hand, you have to be on the search... Search to see.

(2) Evaluate: evaluate the materials, tools, persons, or agencies that will be useful to get to where you are anticipating. Even the Almighty Jesus did not call everybody as a Disciple, He evaluate to have but the 12, He did not mingle with every body He evaluates, Luke 4:30 John 10:39-40 evaluate to know, the association, relationship, business or life venture that will not be profitable then count them wastable if you want to go far.

(3) Don't privatize your content; the need for evaluation should not make you to privatize your content, you will be able to excel in the line of your endeavour when you rest your foot on shoulder of the Experts. "Sir, Isaac Newton, says; I was able to see far cos I stood on the shoulder the experts( invisible giants )" Elisha stood on the shoulder of Elijah ,to become a reigning Elisha, 2Kings 2:1-2 ( hear this, Elisha was already reasonable when Elijah took him, yet he submissively stood on the shoulder of Elijah ) to become a reigning Elisha, Moses on the hand stood on the shoulder of his father in-law, Jethro to become a learned and strong Moses, Ex 18:18-22, you have to decisively endure the turn plays of the experts if you want reign, 2Kings 2:4-6.

(4)Motivation: motivation is the mother of creativity, do you know "opportunity don't just happen you creat them, “It is never too late to be what you might have been, all you need is motivation to turn your level to different platform stand it there then you can turn your worth, strive to creat new things that others have not created before, if you keep doing what others did, you will end how they ended.

(5) Discipline: Discipline will always give you a rebranded outing and make people see some how they can't do without you rather come closer to you, for when they think they have concluded you, they see a new version of you, because you know how to lock yourself inside and discipline your old version and bring out the new you. Judges 11:2-10 16:25-30.

(6) Finally; Build A Bold Minds; remember  small mind discuss people, average minds discuss events while the bold and great minds discuss ideas, in life whatever you say you want to be, you can be, by the grace of God, all you need to do is to work on/towards what you want be, those who want be your obstruction use your bold mind remove them out of the way, stop discussing people, discuss ideas. 2Kings 2:5-6.

(7) Trust and Pray; It is important you know that by strength alone shall no man prevail, anchor your faith, believe  and confidence in God ( Heb 7:25 ) and pray, like in all season and time, for the forces you see is smaller than the once you don't see, the bible says God is able abundantly able to believe those who trust in him, then use pray to knock off the wicked, and match de go ahead.

Rev. M. U. Ndubuisi a Dynamic preacher, a Galant Soldier, Poublic speaker for conferences and seminars. We also run advert to any who wants to excel, that needs advert, call on us, is with an Express move.

Thursday, September 29, 2022


Turn the hared of your enemies at your back and build on the relationships of your admirals over the future and your success is inevitable. By Rev Ndubuisi Michael

Is The Content, Not The Container That Keeps Relationship.Prov 23:7, 17:17. By Rev Ndubuisi Michael.

Definition of a Content and Container: a content is valuable or invaluable things or goods inside a container, while a container is defined as an object such as a box or a bowel that goods are placed in, so that they can be moved from  one place to another. Here I see you as the container and your attitude is the content.

No matter how tall, handsome, huge, fair, dark or anointed, you are, you will definitely need someone succeed, don't tell me you don't need anyone to blow in life, are you a witch? A from Carl Gustav Jung says. "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances, if there is any reaction both are transformed". If you needs someone to succeed that is to say you need relationships, if you need a relationship that is to say, you need an Attitude which is content while you are the container, your handsomeness, your hugeness, your tallness, your fairness or darkness can give you relationship but they can't keep or maintain your relationship, what keeps or maintains it is attitude, the content.


Negative Attitude: Negative Attitude will hamper your growth, why, becos negative attitude will scatter the relationship that could give you excellence of life, while Positive Attitude will not only keep the relationship but also give you announcement and introduction through the relationship. People, Friends, Companies and Families are all looking for a Destiny Associate; destiny associates are people that you talk to, or tell your problems or pain and they will not a mock out of it, rather they will walk you out of the problems or pain either in word, conduct, advice, financial assistance or spiritual help standing with you in prayer, making your pains their pain.

Why becos they love you genuinely, they can go out of their way to help you, they can consistently stand with you even when others left you.

Genuine relationship depend not on riches no, but virtues, habits, disciplines, duties, and action.

You want to be great in life, then start building on relationships through a positive attitudes like:- Humility which not allow you think high of yourself more than everybody ( James 4:10 ). (2) Goodness which not allow you to be arrogant but be kind to everybody ( Ps 21:3&4 ) (3) Obedient and Respect; Which takes you to the top and gives you ability to learn more, "for the movement of the toad is bend down and take old age" ( I daru ala gi were nka ) in Igbo language. (4) Persistency which will you to be stable in any given decision you take. (5) Truthfulness which make people to see you as an honest man ( Prov 23:23 ). (6) Love which make love everyone as yourself ( Rom 13:8 ). (7) Godliness let the world see God in day by day living ( Ps 1:1&2 ). (8) Prayer; you should be prayerful, you can move your world with prayer ( 1Thesis 5:17 ). (9) Focus; many relationships fails not becos of lack of love, but becos of lack of focus, or lose of focus, what we call failure today is rather a break of focus, becos you are the subject, focus on the subject which is you, work on yourself over your future, over your growth, centered on relationships, and you see success standing at your next look. (10) Righteousness; the word righteousness means being morally good following moral laws, or the act of doing the right thing. So your happiness is not about finding the right people, rather is about you becoming the right person, if you find the right people when you're not the right person what do you think will happen to that right people, is suicide bomb, you want kill them? So work towards you becoming the right person and be complete, the world will look for you. Your life will attract the right people, when you have the complete content. Tell your neighbor you are not my completion, am the completion of my self. 

Rev M. U. Ndubuisi is a Dynamic preacher, a Galant Soldier, Poublic speaker for conferences and seminars. We also run advert to any who wants to excel, that needs advert, call on us, is with an Express move

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Difference between mothers and modern mothers

 Please watch and learn a lot, so not act like many others out there, be different, there is a quote that says, I do well because I stand on the shoulders of an expert. Please learn to be that unique person that God made you.

Rev M. U. Ndubuisi is a Dynamic preacher, a Galant Soldier, Poublic speaker for conferences and seminars. We also run advert to any who wants to excel, that needs advert, call on us, is with an Express move

Friday, February 25, 2022


                                                            MEAT LIONS CAN’T EAT.

And when he came to the den, he cried with a lamentable voice unto Daniel: and the king spake and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God, whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from the lions? Then said Daniel unto the king, O king, live for ever. My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt. Then was the king exceeding glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God. And the king commanded, and they brought those men which had accused Daniel, and they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children, and their wives; and the lions had the mastery of them, and brake all their bones in pieces or ever they came at the bottom of the den. (Daniel 6:20-24) I am persuaded to discuss on this topic. This year We all know that lions live on meat, but I want to make it clear to you that, though Lions eat meat, yet there are some meat lions can’t eat. From the scripture above, Daniel was thrown in the lions den but lions could not eat that night because Daniel was not meat for lions. My dear, let the lions roar, let the enemies plan all they can not actualize target on you for (Isaiah 7:5-7). The truth remains that you are not meat for the lions, why? Are you aware that the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH is inside you? ( Revelation 5:5, 1John 4:4 ) You are not meat for lions. Fear not. The greater lion is in you. Let them do whatever they like, they can not do you any harm, you are the apple of God’s eyes. ( Zech 2:8 ) the truth remains that it will shoke them when they learn they can do nothing to you. You are not a meat they can eat. Shalom!

Rev M. U. Ndubuisi is a Dynamic preacher, a Galant Soldier, Poublic speaker for conferences and seminars. We also run advert to any who wants to excel, that needs advert, call on us, is with an Express move

Tuesday, July 20, 2021



Knowledge is prophecy, when you have a better knowledge of something, you can divulge from the beginning to ending. By Rev Ndubuisi Michael

              WHAT IS MARRIAGE

According to English Oxford Dictionary, Marriage is a union of two or more people that creates a family tie and carries legal and social responsibility.

But hear me, I see it and define it as, God’s Constituted and instituted relationship of transparency that exists between husband and wife, that know no shame. Marriage is the coming together of the two Dimensions of God "Man and Woman" as one body. Marriage an institution that God instituted by Himself, to use and explain deeper things about Himself. I hope you know that man and woman are two Dimensions of God, He just separated Himself to use marriage and explain something about Himself to mankind, marriage therefore remain a cause one cannot graduate from, there is no graduation in marriage, is a life cause since it has to do with the revelational knowledge of God.


Like I said before, man and woman are two Dimensions of God, He just separated Himself to explain what He meant in Isaiah 54:5 "For your maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is His name" (1) As a man must grow maturity and expected perfection and will want to marry a mature and perfect woman so God wants you to be perfect because He your Father in heaven is perfect Matthew 5:48. (2) God use marriage to explain how we should walk with Him, as husband and wife should be close to each other to make a better and happy home, that how God wants you to come close and have a cordial relationship with Him and He will come close to you, you are His wife but adulterous wife, so God wants you come back and remain intimated with Him James 4:8. (3) God use marriage to explain "love" that is as strong as death, many waters cannot quench it, (Songs of Solomon 8:6-7) that was the only thing that brought Christ to this wicked world, and He died in the sinful world for us, (Romans 5:8). The strength that bind the three Force of heaven "God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy ghost" is love, if it was not for love Jesus wouldn't have announce God the Father when He was on Earth.

God through marriage that everything a man will need from his wife, He (God) need them from us as His wife, a man will need the wife to be truthful and God said buy the truth and sell it not, (Proverbs 23:23) a man will need transparency, so God need you and I, His bride to be every transparent to Him, (1John 1:7-9, 2Timothy 2:15), as a man will need his to honor and respect him so God wants you and I, His bride to honor and respect His name (Malachi 1:6) by worshipping Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24), as a man will want his wife to trust him so God wants you and I to trust have confidence in Him, as His bride, (Psalms 118:8-9, Proverbs 14:26), as a man will want his wife not to cheat even so God wants you and I not to walk in infidelity with Him, (Exodus 20:3-5, Isaiah 29:15, Psalms 50:21), God wants you to remain faithful unto Him as your husband. "For your maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is His name" (Isaiah 54:5). Shalom

Rev M. U. Ndubuisi is a Dynamic preacher, a Galant Soldier, Poublic speaker for conferences and seminars. We also run advert to any who wants to excel, that needs advert, call on us, is with an Express move.

Friday, May 29, 2020


When The King Of The Jungle(Lion) Becomes A Prey.

Lion is believed to be the “King of the Jungle.” Lion habitats are dense scrub, savanna, woodland and grassland. They are often referred to the King of the beast. This title many believed to be uncontestable because of their largest and aggressiveness. They are ferocious creatures that have well built muscular structure and compact body that could be so intimidating.
Lions are most active at night. A lion has a long body, large head, massive weight and short legs. The size of lions vary and also the appearance depending on the sex. The male lions have a unique feature which is the mane, this varies between different lions. It may be lacking in some, it may fringe the face or cover the back of the head, neck and shoulders. The colour of the mane various from one lion to the other. The mane could be use to be used for sexual attraction.
See the author’s post

Rev M. U. Ndubuisi a Dynamic preacher, a Galant Soldier, Poublic speaker for conferences and seminars. We also run advert to any who wants to excel, that needs advert, call on us, is with an Express move.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Every child of God is born with a star that must shine outrageously, but in inarticulate to know one’s star some have missed theirs.

Star or Sun?

For the wise men, the entire journey began with a star. A tiny little point of light in the sky.
At least, we think of stars as tiny little things. But they are not. Each one of those “little stars” is as big as a sun. Our sun is over a hundred times the diameter of the earth. Over one million earths could fit inside it. Those “little stars” that we see twinkling in our night sky are actually vast balls of intensely hot nuclear reactions reaching temperatures of over twenty-five million degrees at their core. If we were to travel too close to one of those beautiful little dots of light, we would first be burnt to a crisp, and then vaporized.
We see them as tiny points of light only because we are so far away from them. And that is good to keep in mind as we contemplate, with the wise men, the star that led them to Jesus. The star that we think of as tiny is, in fact, far larger and more intense than anything our experience has prepared us to imagine.

Knowing your star is one thing, and following is another thing, which lies in your ability to look-up.

Look up!

The first thing the wise men had to do in order to see the star was to look up. None of the priests and teachers of the law in Jerusalem saw the star. Their eyes were too focused on their books and their laws and their politics to even notice the sign of the new king’s birth. The wise men were willing to look up—and they saw a star in the east that would lead them on their journey.
We, too, must be willing to look up. We must be willing to look beyond our jobs and our books and our families, and all the pressing cares of this world. We must be willing to clear our minds from time to time of all those cares, and lift the eyes of our minds beyond the things of this world to the deeper matters of spiritual life. Otherwise, like our furry four-footed friends, our gaze will be constantly fixed on the grass and dirt in front of us, and we will never notice the far greater heavenly beauties that await our wondering eyes.

Follow the star!

And the wise men were willing to do something else—something that made them not merely smart, but truly wise. Once they had lifted up their eyes and seen the star, they were willing to follow it wherever it led them. They were willing to leave behind their familiar surroundings and travel to a distant land, seeking the one who was born king of the Jews. And so they went on their journey, taking weeks, months, perhaps even a year or more to reach a destination that was still unknown.
We, too, if we are to be wise and not merely smart, must be willing to follow the star of spirit where it will lead us. We must be willing to pick ourselves up and leave behind our old familiar attitudes and patterns of thinking and feeling. We must be willing to travel to a distant new land in which we will think new thoughts, feel new loves, live renewed lives. We must be willing to relinquish our own control to the newborn king within us, journeying not where we would prefer to go, but toward the Bethlehem of our inner Holy Land.

Consult the Word of God

On the way, we need to consult the Bible, and even the teachings of the church. The wise men did not find the child on their own. The star did not lead them directly to Bethlehem. To reach their destination, they had to consult with King Herod and the priests and teachers in Jerusalem. And in the end it didn’t matter whether those leaders were holy or corrupt. In the end, it doesn’t matter whether the church is full of hypocritical leaders and imperfect people. What matters is that the church, with its most precious possession, the Word of God, gives us the detailed guidance we need to focus our journey in the right direction.
Renewed in this knowledge—the knowledge of who Jesus is and where he may be found—we can once again see the star of spiritual insight guiding us right to the place within us where we can encounter the newborn Lord for ourselves. Because our meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ is not something that happens in the church, but in our hearts.              
Rev M. U. Ndubuisi is a Dynamic preacher, a Galant Soldier, Poublic speaker for conferences and seminars. We also run advert to any who wants to excel, that needs advert, call on us, is with an Express move.

Monday, December 30, 2019


In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. 1 John 4:9

The joy of a new born baby, whose birthday the earth celebrate never cease to flow. By Rev Ndubuisi Michael.
We are season where everybody wants to happily and joyfully celebrate, and spend the holidays in wonderful way. Someone may ask, what season is that? It is Christmas.
WHAT IS CHRISTMAS: Christmas is the annual Christian festival celebrating, Christ birth held on December 25. December 25 is dated as far back as AD 273.
HOW DID DECEMBER 25 COME TO BE:December 25, it was the Pagan festival day honoring the sun, celebrating it on that day, the Christian possibly chose that day ( December 25 ) to counter the pagan influence on Christianity, for it ( December 25 ) was the saturnalia festival of emancipation and the triumph of the light after a long lasting darkness, christians understanding what the Bible says. “The people that walk in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.” Isaiah 9:2 and vs 6, reads “For unto us a child is born, unto us son given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Them ( the Christians ) knowing, that Jesus had been given birth to, recalling what the book of Luke says “Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us,
To give light to them that sit in darkness and [in] the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke 1:78-79, believed by the efficacy of the word of God that Jesus Christ is the reason for the seasoned celebration, following the signs that followed the birth of Jesus Christ and what the Bible says, concord that December 25 will be called Christmas though Roman Emperor Constantine (he was the first Christian Roman Emperor).
THE NAME CHRISTMAS: Christmas come from the mass of Christ [ Jesus ] birth celebration of the Messiah-Jesus-Christ. No one knows the real birthday date of Christ, the Bible did not disclose the date, so why is December 25 a chosen date for the celebration. The early Christian tradition has it that the Annunciation day was March 25 and it is celebrated till date. Nine Months from March 25 is December 25 dated from the Jewish calendar .
Sad enough that people have forgotten the Reason for the Season which is The King of Kings, and The Lord of Lords, The Maker of the Universe, who came in human form to redeem the earth. He though now in heaven, but His birth celebration has gone round the earth, it very sad to know that we christians now follow the sound of the celebration of the season, refusing to notice the reason for the season. Every body wants to be a big boy and a big girl not Godly but worldly.
HOW TO CELEBRATE IT: Christmas season should be when to refresh and renew our relationship with God through Jesus Christ as the reason why they are celebrating in this season, believing and hold Christ strongly for a prosperous New year, praising God and honoring Him for what He has done. It’s also time evangelize Christ, appreciate Him and give the best of our gift to Him, ( Christ ) more to our heart.
Rev M. U. Ndubuisi is a Dynamic preacher, a Galant Soldier, Poublic speaker for conferences and seminars. We also run advert to any who wants to excel, that needs advert, call on us, is with an Express move

Monday, December 2, 2019



Wine stupefy and intoxicate, Joy moves and commands into action, Happiness is enthusiastic while laughter is contagious. The Lord will give you Joy, Happiness and laughter at the same time.

The most wasted of all days to anyone is one without laughter. Nicolas Chamfort.

Laughter without a reason has it connection to anxiety or insanity by Rev Ndubuisi Michael.

And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, [so that] all that hear will laugh with me. And she said, Who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarah should have given children suck? for I have born [him] a son in his old age. Gen 21:6-7. You have been battling with one thing or other which has not allowed you fullness of happiness, joy and laughter in life this year, I don’t care to know that say you will not have joy like others, but I am careful to tell you that the giver of joy is here, presently tonight to give you a lasting reason for laughter and joy in the name of Jesus Christ. Sarah was in her 50s when she got married, she sought for a child 40 years every one has concluded she cannot mother a child anymore. But God proved them wrong and gave her joy of Isaac at the end, she shouted God hath made laugh at last, anyone that hears it will laugh with me.

Monday, November 18, 2019


See and accept me the way I am is the language of a good relationship, trust is the strength of it, while love helps it last longer, stay matured.


Marriage Quotes Add love to marriage it will give you, a joyful condition of good fortunes, cos the hammer love breaks walls in marriage. Rev Ndubuisi Michael.

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Mignon McLaughlin

A great marriage is not when the perfect couple come together, it is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. Dave Meurer

May I start by telling you that, marriage is a game made for the wise and matured men not for amateur, do you know why? A good marriage is secret territory, a necessary white space on society’s map. How do I mean, issues of the marriage is the business of the two the third person should be God, don’t take your marriage differences outside, to friends, to the mothers or to the fathers, remember, Dave Meurer says ” A great marriage is not when the perfect couple come together, it is when an imperfect couple learn to enjoy their differences ” you can make a good marriage if you put this to heart.
Then What Is Marriage Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines; Marriage as an institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage. The state of being unite as spouse in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. But hear me, I see it and define it as, God’s Constituted and instituted relationship of transparency that exists between husband and wife, that know no shame, vs 24. Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they be one flesh. KJV Explanation: that word cleave unto, in Igbo language, is "rapara" which is "gumming" unto her, because you are her strength and she in turn is your comfort. Please tell us this, marriage is also love, if there is no love, there is no marriage, always be close to your spouse naked or clothed, satisfy yours eyes in his or her nakedness and also on the bed, any time your spouse needs it, give it to him or her, no excuses, for God knows about sex, He has it in his plans before bringing woman to the man, He knows all things. In vs 25. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. This is why you will in no just curse say am ashamed of my wife, because she is you and you are her.